Ok today I was on JTV searching around seeing if anyone or anything interesting was going on. Thats when I come across this boy broadcasting live. There where people in the chat saying how cute he was and if he could "dance in his underwear... jk". This boy looks to be about 10 years old. So I asked him how old he was, he told me 13. Now this could be, but idk I looked a little older then that at age 13 so ill let u draw your own conclusions. But it got me thinking how many of these kids like this are on EO.

This would explain GLB, you know the "you're a doo doo head ,no YOU'RE a doo doo head", conversations that go on. If you don't know what I mean look at the pic above. Below is a Screen shot of the boy and the chat. So next time you're on and you feel like arguing with a character there just remember this could be who your arguing with.

With that in mind lets remember they could only be kids like this little guy. Until next time try and get along.
Ren- That thought crossed my mine the entire time I played EO. Unless I knew for sure otherwise- I just assumed everyone was 10; and treated them as such. If we are to believe all the Eoians that try to pass themselves off as high school seniors- I'd say we have an entire generation of illiterates soon to be entering the work force. All these preteens are in such a big hurry to grow up. I remember wanting to be 16 but for far different reasons. I wanted more independence. These kids think acting grown up means using profanity, smoking, drugs, getting drunk and having access to Mom and Dad's credit card via Paypal. Sadly, we mimic what we see. Lets hope by the time these tots grow up some- they realize that maturity is about responsibility not trying to be a cool kid.