With that in mind lets remember they could only be kids like this little guy. Until next time try and get along.
As you can see she got right to the point once we where alone. I continued to ask her why (or He you never know xD) and she just kept begging and begging for me to "sex her". Finally got enough and told her no, but not before she asked me to be her BF.
Roaming EO I come across a person autoing. Now this isnt to unusual, but not only was it autoing it was walking around while doing it. A bran new type of bot it seems and it also answered when u said something. I started to test it and this is what happen. I edited the name so no one can pm him to try and buy it. I struke a monster to start off with.
Freezerbag r u a bot O_o
************* :\
Freezerbag wth
************* ;-P
Freezerbag u know your not going to get it
************* :o
Freezerbag y try
************* cant talk atm
Freezerbag y?
************* sorry im training
Freezerbag so am i
************* :\
Freezerbag r u using auto u sure strike fast
************* wtf?
Freezerbag what?
************* lmao
Freezerbag O_o
************* why..?
Freezerbag why what?
************* lmao
Freezerbag r u a bot :O
************* D:
Freezerbag ??
************* what
Freezerbag r u a bot
************* why
Freezerbag i want to know
************* Ok...?
Freezerbag well?
************* Uhhh
Freezerbag weird
************* cant talk atm
Freezerbag y?
************* :0
Freezerbag hello
************* what
Freezerbag hello
************* can u find somewhere else
Freezerbag y?
************* wtf?
Freezerbag u act like a bot so this will be a test
************* Why?
Freezerbag .
************* why..?
Freezerbag .
************* huh
At this point the owner of this acct came back.
Freezerbag .
************* ...?
Freezerbag .
************* is there something u want
Freezerbag .
************* why u saying . so much
Freezerbag .
************* o.o
Freezerbag .
************* maybe ur on ur 'period' lol
Freezerbag .
Freezerbag so your not a bot???
************* ??
************* why would i be a bot
Freezerbag u act like one
Freezerbag O_o
Freezerbag wierd
As you can see he is trying to hide the fact that its not a program but just him
************* I just a hardcore trainer
Freezerbag ah
************* dont stop for nobody
Freezerbag why train here ? your hitting like 70s
************* its peaceful
Freezerbag oook
Freezerbag do u have auto ??
Freezerbag u hit fast
************* no
Freezerbag what lvl r u ??
************* I can't talk right now sorry.
Freezerbag y not
************* lmao...
Freezerbag ummmmm
************* :o
Freezerbag if your not a bot y do u keep hitting the monster when i get it
************* =p
Freezerbag ?
************* ok...
************* im relentless
Freezerbag riiight
************* teehee
After I confronted him about what I thought it was, u could tell he was kinda proud of what he had. Then goes ahead and tell me all about it
Freezerbag looks like u have a VERY good autoing system and your there as well some of the time
************* id say thats a fair assessment
Freezerbag ummm
************* ^^
Freezerbag so it is a bot
************* mayhaps
Freezerbag dam
************* it walks, it talks...is it a bot...u tell me
Freezerbag that would have to be the best bot ive seen on eo
************* hehe thank you
Freezerbag so is the a new bot?
************* :(
************* oops lol
************* its new, i made it the other day
************* well
************* i made a basic bot over a year ago
************* and ive been updating it bit by bit
Freezerbag yeah
************* :(
************* oops
************* i keep turning it on and its responding
Freezerbag u going to release to to the ppl
************* lol
************* no, it wouldnt worthat way
Freezerbag what about relogging
************* it works along with a patch
************* and i dont know how to send a patch
************* yes it relogs
************* pretty quick relog too
************* see
He logs out at this point and logs back within 9 secounds
Freezerbag wow
************* lol
Freezerbag so your keeping this quit?
Freezerbag quiet?
************* trying to
************* i guess
************* in a way i kinda want it to be well known for the fame lol
Freezerbag what else can it do?
************* but then that would defeat the purpose of making it seem human
************* ummm..it can
************* i know alot of ppl that would pay to have that
************* nah not worth it
************* i give all my gold away eventually anyways
************* and i dont need cash
************* it picks up all the items eventually
Freezerbag huh y not all?
************* but not immediately cause that takes it off its route too often
Freezerbag ah
************* it waits a while and then picks them up
************* D:
************* oops
************* it speaks randomly of course
************* 21 different faces
Freezerbag i see that
************* 37 other comments
Freezerbag umm
************* tat was funny though i was watching that whole time
************* when u were talking to it
Freezerbag yeah
************* =p
************* oops
Freezerbag so dont u wrry about getting over weight?
************* i have to go sell them 3 or 4 times a day
************* get 14k every time
Freezerbag yeah
************* Uhh..?
************* oops
Freezerbag well ill post this on my blog but ill blank your name
************* ok...
Freezerbag even tho i dont apove of autoing i would hate for this to spread
************* i call it a 'trekbot' btw
Freezerbag ok
************* true
************* so would i lol xD
Freezerbag well l8er :P
************* ok cya man
If bots like this get out we will have to fight for any type of training spots. Eo having it very own dooms day, fighting to keep a spot.
Tell me how you liked it and if you know of better EO vids.